Find Your Writing Niche: “Dear Lucky Agent” Contest
So many contests, so little time!
Here’s a contest that is ideal for those who have a completed novel in the women’s fiction genre, and there are plenty of you out there. The contact info is
Chuck Sambuchino is publicizing this one through his blog, Guide to Literary Agents, or, as he refers to it, GLA blog. He explains that this is the 17th free such contest and it has a different focus on genres each time.
Definitely read all the eligibility and submission requirements, and most importantly, remember to mention the contest twice through social media. That’s why this blog is dedicated to mentioning the contest.
What is most valuable in his explanation of the contest is that he tells what women’s fiction is. He says it’s also called upmarket fiction, a term that’s bandied about on agents’ and publishers’ Websites, writers’ blogs and other sources.
Judge is Paula Munier, senior literary agent and content strategist at Talcott Notch Literary.
I have Sambuchino’s book, “Create Your Writer Platform,” and it has helped me stay on track. He offers realistic, workable suggestions, but it takes time to digest the nearly 250 pages.
Good luck to everyone. Can’t wait to hear what the outcome is.
Try this one. You might come out on top: