Women and Adversity:
Soraya Chemaly writes in support of women
Many women advocate for feminism, but stories I’ve read by Soraya Chemaly convince me she has insightful, cogent views.
“50 Actual Facts About Rape,” an article Chemaly wrote that was first published in 2012 but updated Dec. 8, 2014, caught my attention. Some of the information:
- 54 percent of rapes are not reported
- 32,000 women are impregnated unwillingly from rape
- 20-25 percent chance of women being raped while in college
- 20 percent chance of a women being raped in the U.S.
- 80-90 percent of military assaults go unreported
The full article is at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/soraya-chemaly/50-facts-rape_b_2019338.html.
I like Don Lemon on CNN, but Chemaly’s article, “Don Lemon Didn’t Just Victim-Blame–He Perpetuated Multiple Rape Myths” in Time magazine concerning his interview with Joan Tarshis, one of the 20 women who have accused Bill Cosby of raping them, gives the entire situation a different perspective. Check it out at http://time.com/author/soraya-chemaly.
An article Chemaly wrote, “Why naked pictures aren’t harmless,” appeared on salon.com Oct. 15, 2013. It was another example of male disregard for respect of females on college campuses. Read it at http://www.salon.com/writer/soraya_chemaly.