Henry Burkert, Greelands Farm, Bolivia, N.C.

Henry Burkert, Greenlands Farm, Bolivia, N.C.

Find Your Writing Niche: Take pictures of people and places

I often have to take pictures of the people I interview, so I carry my camera with me to every story I cover. Sometimes the publication sends its own photographer. Not a problem. But I still need my camera.

Why? I want to remember what the people:

1) Looked like

Was the hair mostly gray? Mostly black? Was the hairline receding?

Did the face look weathered? Wrinkled? Have grooves?

2) Wore

What was the color of that shirt?


What was that logo on the hat?

Did the woman wear dangling earrings?

Did they match her outfit?

Were they an unusual design?

3) Had in the room where we talked

Does it have family photos?

Awards on the walls?

An unusual decoration or embellishment on the table or desk?

All of this will show up in pictures—and that’s what adds to the story.

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Article By: Jo Ann Mathews

I published three ebooks in 2020: Women and Adversity, Honoring 23 Black Women; Women and Adversity, Recognizing 23 Notable Mothers; and Women and Adversity, Saluting 23 Faithful Suffragists to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. These books are meant to be study guides for all students from grade school through college to help in choosing topics for assignments and to learn more about these noteworthy women. Go to amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com and goodreads.com to learn more.

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