Women and Adversity: Book Review
10 Little Rules for a Double-Butted Adventure
By Teri M. Brown
10 Little Rules for a Double-Butted Adventure by Teri M. Brown recounts exactly what the title suggests. Teri and her late husband Bruce chose to ride a tandem bike—Bruce build it to accommodate both of them—from Astoria, Oregon to the US Marine Corps War Memorial in Washington, D.C. Teri explains she had to have the right “saddle” to fit her “butt” on the bike. Sounds uncomfortable, right?
The couple considered this possibility, and each got the perfect fit. To assure they would complete the 3,102-mile cross-country challenge, they connected it to philanthropy. Bruce served 25 years in the Marines, so the couple decided to raise money for Toys for Tots, the fundraiser the Marine Corps Reserve manages.
To further fortify their intentions, Teri wrote a blog announcing their plans and kept readers informed of their progress. To promote even more, they told everyone they saw what their goals were, and the license plate on their trailer read “Toys for Tots.”
Although Teri gives 10 rules to follow when embarking on a far-fetched adventure, she explains that the book includes what she learned on this risky escapade. Few people would imitate the Browns’ trek, but readers should think about an unfulfilled dream or wish they have. What would you really like to accomplish in your lifetime?
Choosing to pursue a dream means change, a mind change, Teri writes, so Rule 1 is “Open Your Mind” and consider the downsides of the dream. As an example, I would like to travel around the world. I have planned exactly how I will do it. The problem is when I go to make the connections, they don’t materialize the way I want them. Of course, if I want to pursue this dream, I have to make adjustments. As Teri writes in Rule 2, “Expect Setbacks.” Not all plans run smoothly. When she and Bruce were going uphill and the temperature was in the 90s, they had to reconsider their plans. Accept the setbacks but—Rule 4, “Enjoy the Downhills.”
How much does this dream mean to you? What is your goal? At Rule 6, Teri writes “Define Your Success.” She suggests you decide what your definition of success is. What is the purpose of your adventure? What do you want to accomplish? You have to know your limitations as well. In my case, can I adjust to the time changes, the cultural changes, the foods, the weather?
Fear can be crippling, and Rule 7 says, “Set Aside Fear.” You can share your concern with others, and they will offer support. It’s your decision whether or not to accept it.
Why are you beginning this adventure? What is your purpose? Teri says at Rule 9, “Never Quit on a Bad Day” because things do get better.
It took the Browns two years to decide to start their adventure. They began it in May 2020 and after 72 days, they reached their destination.
Will you pursue your dream? Rule 10, “Continue to Dream.”
Read how Teri fulfilled her dream and what all of her 10 rules are.
Further information:
My ebooks available at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com:
Honoring 23 Black Women, Recognizing 23 Notable Mothers, Saluting 23 Faithful Suffragists