Nina Amir: Blogger, Nonfiction Author

Women and Adversity: Nina Amir

Blogger, Nonfiction Author


I became familiar with Nina Amir when I bought her book, How to Blog a Book. Her books and her website are a treasure trove of information that offer many opportunities to succeed. She is known as the Inspiration-to-Creation Coach, and her tagline on her website is Helping You Achieve More Inspired Results in All Aspects of Your Life.

Ms. Amir earned a degree in magazine journalist and fell in love with nonfiction. She founded the Nonfiction Writers’ University in 2014 and then extended it to the Nonfiction Writers’ University Master program. She has the 12-month home study Living Fully Challenge and is a certified high performance coach, one of 700 worldwide, and the only one working with writers. She started the Write Nonfiction in November Challenge, now known as National Nonfiction Writing Month. She created a proprietary author training curriculum and Author Career Planning program. She is a bestselling writer with 18 books to her credit, including The Author Training Manual, Creative Visualization for Writers and the Write Nonfiction NOW! Series of guides.

JAM: What was the biggest obstacle you faced when you began blogging?

NA: Obscurity. No one knew who I was or that my site existed. It can feel difficult to continue writing and publishing posts when you have only one or two sporadic readers. However, for me, each reader became one more reason to continue. And these days, I reach more readers with my blogs than I do with my books.

JAM: What obstacles do you face now as a blogger?

NA: I really don’t see anything as an obstacle. I do have some challenges, though! The biggest challenge I face as a blogger revolves around keeping up with my strict blog schedule. With three blogs, I have a lot of blogging work on a consistent basis. While I write all the posts at, I have had to hire bloggers to help me produce content for and I create all the images, edit all guest posts and do the design and SEO work on every post.  So, even if I don’t write the post myself, it’s still time-consuming. This effort sometimes…actually often…takes me away from working on a book manuscript.
Also, we all change over time. Our interests and focus change. I’ve had my blogs for a very long time! They continue to help me sell books, promote programs, and bring in clients, but my interests have changed. And I have to find ways to stay inspired by the topics of all three sites.

JAM: What was the biggest obstacle you faced when you started writing books?

NA: Getting published! And selling books. I had to spend many years building an author platform——and I still spend a ton of time on this——before I landed a traditional book deal. Whether I publish traditionally or independently——and I do both——there’s always the issue of getting the books in readers’ hands.

Don’t discount the power of a blog. It’s a great way to test your book ideas, gather potential book reader and make a difference.

More Information:

JULY 25, Judy L. Mandel, Memoirist

Article By: Jo Ann Mathews

I published three ebooks in 2020: Women and Adversity, Honoring 23 Black Women; Women and Adversity, Recognizing 23 Notable Mothers; and Women and Adversity, Saluting 23 Faithful Suffragists to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. These books are meant to be study guides for all students from grade school through college to help in choosing topics for assignments and to learn more about these noteworthy women. Go to, and to learn more.

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